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Jacqueline Park


My name is Jacqueline Park, and I am currently attending Chadwick International as a freshman. As I am passionate about all fields of sciences, including STEM, I am part of multiple in-school clubs concerning sciences. Specifically, I am interested in biology. I have participated in numerous science-related extracurriculars throughout this year, such as KSCY, science-environmental reporters, online workshops/conferences, competitions, and science camps. As the current president, I hope others have more opportunities to expand their knowledge and continue with their career toward their dream. My wish is for our team to gain knowledge and experience for individuals' benefit and utilize those to help others. We hope to spread positive influence within our society, slowly spreading that impact to a globally scaled one.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me through:

Instagram: @jacqpark_



Jacqueline Park
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